Thursday, May 31, 2007

Golden Vase Poptropica

Small Setting Ubuntu Feisty (Library Link)

This post is a collection of links that I consider essential to operate the most of your (and my) Ubuntu Linux. Thanks in advance

all authors of guides and tutorials referenced the following link.


Guide install Nvidia through the installer [ Pollycoke ]

Xfce: thunar integrate network from the file browser to navigate through folders on Xubuntu network between pc linux and win! [Ubuntu Forum ]

Enable themes in Gnome and Synaptic other applications that run as root [ Ubuntu Box ]

Add context menu items in the file browser gnome (nautilus): Nautilus Action just install and add a script. The script section includes several scripts, including: add to the playlist of XMMS or Amarok mp3 file, convert or rename files, edit ISO-CUE-NRG, CCD, open the folder selected in the terminal and many more!

Configure Logitech MX500, MX510, MX518, MX700 [ Ubuntu Forums ]

Enable shadows of the windows, 'Drop Shadow' [ OSRevolution ]

How to share folders are visible from the network windows through LAN [ abaconline ] another link on a Samba [Debian- Guide]!

Customize all the colors of your Gnome is simple with Gnome Color Chooser

Three small tips: how to apply your theme in Synaptic or other programs that run as root, install the Murrine theme and Murrine Configurator ( my favorite theme for beauty and speed, all created by Cimi ) and change the horrible graphics of the buttons in firefox! [ Ubuntu Block Notes ]

EasyUbuntu : very easy to use graphical tool that lets you install many programs, including audio and video codecs, video card drivers, and more!


Linux image file to burn BIN / CUE, MDF, NGR, CCD / IMG, CDI [ TuxInside ]

Install a virtual printer PDF to save everything in pdf that could be printed [ Ubunto ]

Several tips for your gnome, including glipper [Pikkio]

Hold 'clean' Ubuntu [ Ubuntu Box]

Installation packages (. deb. tar.gz,. tar.bz2,. sh. run) [ Ubuntu Box]

Restore Ubuntu boot loader (GRUB) if after installing some windows will not be appearing to the boot screen [ TuxInside ]

Here are repo of aMule (Amule for vBulletin)

My favorite cursor in two colors: white or black

collection of commands to install audio and video codec, unrar, ATI video cards, additional fonts, sofwtare for graphics editing and CAD, and more! [Ubuntu Box ]

now follow a section of links to related blogs and portals Ubuntu.
(many of these are you already mentioned!)

Google Linux
Documentation Wiki Ubuntu
Cimi's Website
Ubuntu Simple
Treviño's Blog
Ubuntu Inside
Ubuntu Bible
Xubuntu Blog
2006 Essential Edition

I hope that this collection possa esser stata d'aiuto a qualcuno che, come me, viene da windows ed è stato attratto dal mondo Ubuntu Linux , contento anche d'essere nella completa LEGALITA' grazie all' Open Source . qualcuno volesse aggiungere qualche altro link per la risoluzione di qualche problema o ottimizzazione, è il benvenuto! ;)

Wednesday, May 30, 2007

Gay Houston Cruise Spots

Courier on the wall, and longings of my Courier. Call

for The Western
Ok, had joked. Il Corriere della Sera today entrusts his editorial Ostellino Piero, who tells us what the front page, alone and thoughtful, dignified in contrast, wrote for years in desert camps of page views: that the bipolarity is in Italy, often lack the ideas, the more often the courage, but in short, democracy is what it is and count the numbers: "The success of the center and the defeat of the center restore the principle of alternation who also chairs a bipolar system like ours." And who ever wanted to play the interview with the Corriere D'Alema or speech Confindustria di Montezemolo as the result of a political plan, "the media"? Not at all, have fun Ostellino, "gave them power and drawings of a political nature which could not grow, much less demonstrate, even if they wanted, without ridicule." But who heads the Courier, Talleyrand? Well, I do not know, but this is a great way to fall to his feet. Compliments.

Courier on the wall ... and longings of my Courier. It 's the story of the largest Italian newspaper. Scaled by a mysterious side to seize the head, from P2 (a hit) the wide boys of the neighborhood ('na catastrophe). Italian anomaly, which is coupled with the current property the Courier, divided into lots among the major economic powers. Across the newspaper that tries to influence the course of politics. And this is normal, no? Not really. In countries where the press is an independent power, so the papers down on the field, especially at election time, in support of a party or a political program. But the Courier goes further: not merely to promote an actor at the expense of others, aspires to the role of director, to promote those players who are merely appearances, he invents otherwise evanescent textures policies. It is not a mirror but a projector. Like the Republic, perhaps? No, far from it. The Republic is a distorting mirror that makes monstrous opponents and beautiful and good friends, but his choice of field is explicit. E 'foul a player, but wearing the colors of a team. The Courier instead aspires to independence, claims in the text as immortal, in fact, the "Declaration of Independence" signed between the owners and the editorial staff in 1973 and reconfirmed always (even in the era of P2), makes this the sign of their difference. And when he decides to take the field wearing the team colors of the Anglo-Saxon. See the editorial by Paolo Mieli, which announced its support of the newspaper to list the Union before the last election: the director wanted to clarify that his decision did not in any way influenced the freedom to express different opinions in the comments, in funds and in the Courier editorial. Setting that aroused the protest of the drafting committee, which judged it "suggestive" (translation still in progress, ed): "It 's rather clearly established tradition of all the major media outlets of the major Western democracies, from Le Monde The New York Times The Washington Post, that the line is expressed by the Director and is pursued with consistency and continuity in the editorial, subject to the maximum aperture of opinions and responses. First case of an organ in the world trade union newspaper, which alleges that the Director of leaving too much freedom of expression. In

Actually the Courier had already made that choice, with no big claims, in 1996 (director Paolo Mieli always) and had previously contributed to the fall of the first Berlusconi government becoming the bearer (that is, in journalistic language, creating a brilliant scoop) of a communication judicial bribes to the Guardia di Finanza, Milan prosecutors issued by November 21, 1994 (incidentally, at the end of Berlusconi will be acquitted) in the middle of the international conference on organized crime in Naples, Berlusconi presided. Director Paolo Mieli even then.
seared by the Courier earlier this time has tried to support Prodi after the elections. First, he invented the excellent but unrealistic agenda Giavazzi, giving daily voice reformist wing of the DS and the heterogeneous group of "willing", and has encouraged the emigration of UDC Marco Follini, then pumped to capacity the alternate (Berlusconi) Casini. Until the elections of the Deputy Director post comment Fiji Baptist who gives back to the line: enough with the left that the left is doing, all gathered around Padoa Schioppa, just a true leader for the Democratic Party. And so now they know
via Solferino that this is not enough. In fact, the Courier has been engaged for a while 'the construction of the Third Republic. Some might see some similarities with the story of the great puppeteer who took over the Courier in the late seventies and made it a powerful tool of political influence. Of course, even then the Courier tried to weave the story in first person politics. But the analogy ends here. The "Plan for Democratic Rebirth" Licio Gelli was only a facade to achieve coverage of business far more sinister and mediocre in the field of business and power. In fact, the P2 was careful not to call into question the political balance of the time: fervently supported the historic compromise of Berlinguer and Aldo Moro, the line of firmness against the PCI and DC Br, fodder unlimited debts Dc, PCI and PSI and their party newspapers, branched in any environment providing power to those who had it and promise to those who aspired.

Today the design is quite different. The proper comparison is with the first direction Mieli. Then, in 1994, Honey had invested a lot of sull'ingenuità Occhetto and now has a subject, the ruthlessness of D'Alema. At the time of the collapse of the First Republic had taken to the magistrates drone "Clean Hands", and now is committed to do it yourself, coalesce around a nice book signatures of two prestigious Courier (Rizzo and Stella) the forces that intend to demolish the caste. Monti, Montezemolo and Montesquieu (the limits to political power) are the three em around which is currently developing the project that quarta tenacemente persegue: la bella politica, immune dai vizi dellla corruzione, dello spreco e dell’arricchimento personale. Come dargli torto? Ma ora come allora l’idea di fondo è la stessa, ed è sbagliata: arrivare a un bipolarismo di stampo europeo, (e quindi) senza Berlusconi. La storia politica della seconda repubblica si è retta però intorno all’assioma contrario: o Berlusconi o niente bipolarismo. Vista la qualità dei progetti in circolazione e la caratura dei potenziali leader è facile prevedere del resto che ancora a lungo Berlusconi potrà dire tranquillamente: “le bipolarisme, c’est moi”. E così ancora una volta il Corriere fallirà nel suo tentativo di supplenza. E magari, chi lo sa, si renderà conto che vestire di panni anglosassoni i consueti intrecci fra stampa, denaro e potere, e dar vita artificiale alle proprie chimere politiche, non è il modo più saggio per rovesciare il sistema delle caste.

Tuesday, May 29, 2007

Play Planetary Pinball From Funbrain

Hi! Tech - Innovation Day - Rome -

Sarà il museo dell'Ara Pacis sito in Lungotevere in Augusta ad ospitare la Festa dell'Innovazione a Rome 7 to 10 June '07.

E 'an event which to think and reflect on the past, present and future of what we define innovation and technology.

will be composed of different events including exhibitions personal computer from the 70s to the 90s , Dj Set , forums, debates , WiFi point , Open Source (including commercial) , Second Life, photos , theater.

Furthermore, from 22.00 on June 7 in the cinema Metropolitan Via del Corso, there will also be Enrico Ghezzi to open a huge film festival "out of orbit - Pieces of a future deferred" , a full immersion of films proposed 'innovation' such as Kubrick, Spielberg, Cronemberg, Tarkovskjj, Lang, Wegener, Lync, Soderbergh, Rossellini and many more!

To learn more, go to main page or download program in pdf.

Friday, May 25, 2007

Mario Salieri Super Film

Movies Post # 1: We Love Radio!

After the post of a rap video, I decided to post a mini-video-footage devoted to film that I particularly liked.
As a first post I wanted to combine rap and movies so I chose a piece of a film by Spike Lee: Do the Right Thing (Do The Right Thing).
ps. as 'We Love Radio' are mentioned many jazz / soul / funk post-expect a video like that!

Tuesday, May 22, 2007

Vocab Sadlier Oxford Answers

BBC Video "Sex Crimes and Vatican" to priests, Pope Benedict XVI and pedophilia

It's nothing totally new .. at least for those who take informed and not content to draw news only from the Italian media that not enjoy an excellent reputation on the freedom of the press, after all we 40th as freedom of the press immediately after South Korea and we have recovered different positions when there is no longer the Berlusconi government (odd, is not the home of "freedom"? ... mahhh).
The relationship between priests and pedophilia was passed by the Italian media with considerable superficiality, and, of course, does not think the same way the BBC.

may well be that it is "aggressive" towards the Vatican, but it seems right that people know too many points of view and then obtain their own conclusions ..

Sequin Bathing Suit Top

Old School Hip Hop Flavor

A little late for the second video sponsored by my blog, but patience has paid off! ..... Or Method Man & Redman produced by Erick Sermon seems unusual? ;)

Monday, May 21, 2007

How To Enlargenipples


per l'Opinione di domani
Veltroni vorrebbe Letta in un governo di sinistra per le ragioni opposte a quelle per cui Sarkozy ha scelto Kouchner : perché è uno dei campioni del Centrodestra, perché la pensa in tutto e per tutto come Berlusconi, perché è un suo alias. Veltroni vuole un governo smussato, per avere un’opposizione smussata. E questo non è Sarkozy. E’ Berlinguer.

American Veltroni, the Kennedy, the Hollywood has discovered France. Lestissimo, a day after Sarkozy's victory has informed us that the new man, to break the traditional mold, he is in Italy. Veltroni began to surf on the wave French taking advantage of a fortunate coincidence, so provident as to seem to malicious (like me) built a small table. On Tuesday after the French elections is in fact appeared on the front page of a heartfelt letter from a constituent Republic of the left, so intolerant of misbehavior and delinquency widespread fear among immigrants from the victim of a pathological mutation in the right-hand man. One that "look and Ballarò Matrix", one who "was nominated for the municipal list Veltroni in Rome," one that "I teach my children the values \u200b\u200bof tolerance and non-violence," one that "49 years I've become a huge racist and can not stand it. " Do not worry! responds the next day the mayor of Rome, always on the first of the Republic: "Invoking the rule of law is not politically incorrect." He explains that "security is not right nor left" and then "to those who threaten the right to safety and legality of the citizens, for those who steal valuable asset to the company that it is the serenity, there is only one answer and it is the severity and firmness with which to claim that respects the law and pay the right price. " Bravo!
After that Veltroni was put to work to convince the Interior Minister Amato plan to launch a special anti-crime in large cities. Amato, to be honest did not expect the time, but unfortunately there had been requests in this direction so far only the mayor of Milan. What very "politically incorrect". As you may recall Letizia Moratti held last March 26, this Silvio Berlusconi, a public demonstration against crime. The center had reacted furiously, beginning with Romano Prodi at the Matrix, in fact, he replied curtly: "With Milan it takes a great relationship ... It means that we will have with the Region and the Province." Not to mention the DS in Milan, which had dismissed the event with a brief sentence: "Letizia Moratti has destroyed in one day his image as a mayor of all the citizens of Milan to bring a modest demonstration of merchants and party activists to listen to the speech President of Forza Italy. And the unit thereat, for his comment "Moratti Milan divide" and to say that Dario For, the real problem is the Moratti of Milan, not safe, "Why not declare war on smog?". Then Sarkozy
waste the French left and everything changes: the security is neither right nor left - but if you really want to tell the truth is left. From Cofferati to Chiamparino to Veltroni Penati here from all parts of Italy and turreted red peep the new Rudy Giuliani.
The second step towards the ultimate coronation as counterpart Sarkozy (tant pis for Bayrou and Rutelli) Veltroni did last Friday. The day before Sarkozy launched his government and appointed defense minister, Bernard Kouchner, founder of Doctors Without Borders and leading member of the Socialist Party. From which the Secretary Hollande has promptly ejected. Veltroni no. On the contrary, speaking at a conference on Research and Development did the world know that he also sought and found: "I hope to live in a country where the bipolar system is made so as to allow persons important to the government irrespective of the camps." And did the name of those who would like a "government such" part: Gianni Letta.
And here, let's face it frankly, the donkey falls. Why is an excellent read political personality, a very valuable mediator, a tireless weaver, but it is the exact opposite of what it represents for Sarkozy Kouchner. Kouchner was chosen because, while militating against the party, supports the policy of the new French president on human rights, the role degli Usa, su Israele. E’ socialista ma la pensa come Sarkozy. Veltroni vorrebbe Letta per le ragioni opposte: perché è uno dei campioni del Centrodestra, perché la pensa in tutto e per tutto come Berlusconi, perché è un suo alias. Veltroni vuole un governo smussato, per avere un’opposizione smussata. E questo non è Sarkozy. E’ Berlinguer, semmai, è il compromesso storico, è il consociativismo, è l’ammucchiata, è la solita storia del bipartitismo imperfetto Dc-Pci, è l’ennesimo b-movie sul gattopardismo nazionale. Prossimamente a Cinecittà.

Anti Freeze Patch For Soul Silver

11min 21-5. The best and worst of today's newspapers. 11min

Superbanca: positive comments in the newspapers, but the press preferred the French bride. Business center? Perfume does not need taxi, the newspaper said. Tesoretto elections. Rifondazione there is. But the state will have what they want. The pardon produces crime. The policy does not produce. Veltroni Sarkozy mimics (but again Berlinguer). Melandri against Fassino. Luzzatto: sbagliai on Ariel Toaff.

Thursday, May 17, 2007

Electric Diaper Punishment

17-5. The press release of Marco Taradash

Birthday party in the Prodi government. The party making the TPS, Rai on the DS and the Margherita, PRC and the Communists on Bush, I say about the Church, Mastella on conflict of interest. Taxes: saltier and more complicated. Facilitation by the Greens esterno all'ecomafia. Per Repubblica Israele bombarda Hamas. Tremonti o Brambilla, Letta o Brunetta? Sarkozy l'americano seduce Barbara Spinelli. Zucconi spiega la vendetta su Wolfowitz. Fuga dei cristiani dall'Iraq.

Wednesday, May 16, 2007

Strange Feeling In Stomach

11min 16-5. The press release of Marco Taradash

Immigrazione e violenza: da Mercedes Bresso soluzione svizzera sulla droga. Governo di sinistra e ambientalista, ma per l'Ue inquina. Dopo il family day i cattolici aprono ai laici, la Chiesa rilancia sul testamento biologico e Fassino si butta sul family gay. Conflitto a sinistra sugli interessi di Berlusconi ma l'Alitalia interessa a governo e sindacato. La maggioranza surgela il parlamento. Il centrodestra è sbrambillato

Tuesday, May 15, 2007

Head Ache Nose Scabbing

11min 15-5. The press release of Marco Taradash

In Sicilia vince il centrodestra. Nel governo rivincita della sinistra? Mediaset compra la Rai via Endemol? Annunziata e Reibman sul Family Day. I comunisti non digeriscono i bambini.

Monday, May 14, 2007

Funny Comments For Wedding Guest Book

11min 14-5. The press release of Marco Taradash

11 minuti
11 minuti di rassegna e altri 22 di lettura e approfondimenti dai quotidiani di oggi.
Dadullah, ucciso. Un colpo durissimo per i Talebani, che sono in rotta con Al Quaeda. Dove Siete? I Ds si interrogano dopo gli aventini del Family Day e di Piazza Navona e si trovano d'accordo con se stessi. Ma su di loro il fuoco incrociato di Annunziata e Franchi. I Dico in archivio. I now want the arch-gay marriage. Veltroni also absorbs Moccia and annoys the century.

Saturday, May 12, 2007

Buy Carbon Dioxide Air Duster

Ubuntu # 2: The distribution linux per tutti e di tutti!

could not miss a space (and I do not think will be the last) for Ubuntu.
Ubuntu? is a GNU / Linux based on Debian, known for its ease of use in the installation and management.

Ubuntu starts from South Africa, where Mark Shuttleworth riding the boom in new economy through digital certificates used in the network today, provides a number of companies including Canonical Ltd, which still maintains and develops a regular basis (every 6 months) one of the systems greater operational success and popularity in recent years.

Needless to support all ' Open Source and Free Software that Shuttleworth has shown all along.

From time to time will post solutions to small problems which I hope will help those who, like me, comes from the Microsoft world is intrigued by Linux and Ubuntu.

Friday, May 11, 2007

Preparation H For Losing Inches

Hip Hop Old School Flavor #1

By popular demand (so to speak) this week, every Friday will post a video very hip hop!

course will start from Old School (and I promise I will not be just a 'pass'!;)

The pezzaccio in question is 'I Left My Wallet In El Segundo' of the legendary A Tribe Called Quest !

I do not think there is no need to comment ... just press play and turn up the volume!!

Stay Tuned! y0?

Create Techdeck Online

11min 11-5. The press release of Marco Taradash


Rignano: Chief Prosecutor of Tivoli confuses us a bit '. Drugs and Bus: the blame lies with those who want to change the law. Little Tony (Manifesto) Blair abandoned by the left. What is more reformist, or the Pensions (says the Sun) or on the Reform. Vargas Llosa on Corser: I was against the Iraq war no longer. On the eve of Family and Lay-Day.

Thursday, May 10, 2007

How Much Chariol Bracelet

11min 10-5. The press release of Marco Taradash

Padoa Schioppa against all. And Prodi threatens the early retirement. Rutelli Bindi after being targeted by the lay of the center. Felt says enough of the right to the stew. Veltroni Fascist? Bertinotti between Israel and Hamas.

Wednesday, May 9, 2007

Naval Jelly On Aluminum

11min 9-5. The press release of Marco Taradash

The Democratic Party no longer at issue but that if there were. Padoa Schioppa does not yield to the unions on pensions. Biondi and Cicchitto not go to the Family Day against Ferrero and Bonino Bindi does not want the gay family. Bertinotti against the Jews, and the Unit rages. Interviews with Mario Lozano and Mathias Rust.

Tuesday, May 8, 2007

Eyeclops Mini Projector Hack

Students in Tehran, the time of the crucifixion.

He's probably getting time for the revenge of the Iranian regime on the students who protested publicly on 11 December, President Ahmadinejad at Amir Kabir University in Tehran. The entries follow each other for some time, but on May 1 last year the signs have begun to take concrete form. Hundreds of students linked to the regime have indeed invaded the Polytechnic student publications to protest that "insulted Islam". The story began when the campus three articles were distributed with the head of the student newspaper. The titles were "Nobody is sacred", "" Ravens blacks "(referring to women wearing the chador) and" Where to find more prostitutes. " It comes with every evidence of a forgery produced by the Basij, a paramilitary religious body, to resume attacks against students. Struck by the clamorous protests of December, the regime has avoided immediate retaliation, but now, as we approach the anniversary of the violent police raid at the University of the August 9, 1999, there is a growing conviction that will soon be brought to completion the threat Ahmadinejad himself spoke to the protesters: "Crucify the pseudo-students." The names of those who raised placards and shouted slogans against Ahmadinejad, moreover, are known for some time. The "Information Center of the students" of the Basij, a paramilitary force of repression, has been published the names six students qualified as "hooligans" and photos of all the others, announcing that if the University had not taken action would be the same Basij to take action. In turn, the vice chairman of the Majlis, the Parliament, Mohammad -Reza Bahonar, described the students' individuals in the grip of alcohol and sexual problems, "adding that" those who do not behave well have to pay the price. " The time is coming.
During these months in all the universities in the Iranian repression was fierce. In January, three students from Shahid Chamran University of Ahwaz, in the southwest of the country were sentenced to harsh prison terms: Hani Bavi, sentenced to 11 years imprisonment, Lafteh Sarkhe, 10 and Qasem Karshi, 3 years. Two other university students, and Asu Saleh Kiah Hejazi, were sentenced to six months imprisonment - suspended for three years - for articles published in a magazine run by them, Dahang. It was also closed, another student publication, Tahmeh Azadi (The taste of freedom), organized by the association of students of the University of Tehran, while the largest student newspaper of the Polytechnic, Vajeh, was closed for a year and the Hakimzadeh editor suspended for six months. And meanwhile, rose to 150 students "star", those forced to wear sull'abito one to three stars depending on the stars their degree of dissidence. Everyone is made difficult if not impossible to continue their studies.
But the worst is yet to come. It would not be the first time that the violence of the regime or its armed groups broke out on the eve of August, so take advantage of the end of session examinations. Also this year, provides the objection site will be up to students of the Polytechnic be targeted to serve as a lesson to others because of the audacity that showed last year before President Ahmadinejad. In recent days the police were committed above all to enforce the new law on clothing. In the early days of the entry into force of the law were fined 150,000 women, detained or arrested for violating the law requiring the wearing of the veil and modesty in clothing, and many of them will stand trial. The charge is "to follow and decadent models endanger the safety and dignity of young men, undermining the foundations of the family." Passed the wave immodest women, the storm is coming on "young men" politically immoral. Approaching the time of the crucifixion. Governments and parliaments of the West are warned

How To Glam Up A Black Skirt

Spite 2

Manifesto of the National Alliance: "The family, the most beautiful heritage of our Italy." Suitable image. Meeting the street an old comrade, one who was then better keep up to speed. Now it is incorporated. I tell him. "Long live the family." "Long live the pussy" he says. Sigh of relief.

Hot Scene In Mera Naam Joker

11min. The press release of Marco Taradash

Sarkozy puts a strain on the Italian left. But then the right. Veltroni if \u200b\u200bthe hoarding on law and order. The CDL is reflected there, but sees nothing. Rutelli download PES. Bindi no day not gay. Distance duel between Ferrara and the eternal feminine Gasparri.

Monday, May 7, 2007

Trace Phone Calls That Says Unknown Name


From a poster for the Family Day: "Against the dictatorship of relativism." Oh yeah? And then I'm against Democracy absolutism!

I Think Im Inlove With You Quotes

Casini got sick of Sarcos.

Casini leaves for Bayrou Sarkozy. Believe? Sure, if he says yes and no to proportional to the party of freedom.
"The extraordinary success of the French presidential elections Bayrou is the sign that now the left-right categories are no longer the mood of voters." Word of Pier Ferdinando Casini, interviewed by La 7 immediately after the first round. In the meantime, something must have happened if the UDC leader says the Corriere della Sera today that "if there is a lesson to be learned from the French vote, is that to win we must have the courage to change. Cambiare profondamente”. Intanto ha cominciato a cambiare idea lui stesso. Che non si riconosce più nel centrista francese ma in chi ha dato voce alla destra francese rivendicandone esplicitamente tradizione e denominazione, innovandola in una chiave liberale e atlantica.
Certo, perdersi nei meandri della terminologia è quanto di più inutile e fuorviante si possa fare. La storia politica italiana degli ultimi quindici anni è la riprova di quanto l’uso novecentesco dell’antitesi destra-sinistra non corrisponda più alla realtà. Perfino il più giacobino degli intellettuali antiberlusconiani, Paul Ginsborg, mentore dei girotondi, ha dovuto riconoscere - e dove, davanti alle telecamere di Enzo Biagi! – che between the leader of the center and left, runs an abyss of modernity. Of course he did in his own way, emphasizing the political role of commercial television, but the sentence for the left is without extenuating circumstances. Ginsborg says that Berlusconi will be 'much studied in the future and say it is' an exceptional man, and that' an innovator who has done his way. I disagree with nothing or almost nothing of what he has proposed in recent years. But he really, unlike the left, has been able to innovate, and using all the levers of power as possible, created the Berlusconi. " In short, progress and innovation are no longer synonymous with the left, and conservation and they have become static characteristics popular culture. Casini
But still two weeks ago did not express this belief. On the contrary praised the "center" of French Bayrou, as the obvious passing of the traditional scheme. Left and right were over the center emerged. The composition of opposites, the attenuation of the fight, a good massage for moderation: this is the wrong medicine for the Italian second Casini.
Today, after the victory of Sarkozy, and - we suspect - after his extraordinary speech of investiture, he did discover the French president to those who had previously preferred to run with earmuffs, Casini adapts. Sarkozy won because he has innovated, because he had the courage to present to voters recipes also unpopular pension reforms proposed by looking at the young rather than the retirees said that the school must return to the principle of meritocracy and has pointed the finger at the '68 as a first step towards irresponsibility of French society. He mentioned the identity of the West and said just to contrast with the U.S.. It 'been able to get across the concept that security is not an issue "right', but a right for everyone and especially the most vulnerable who are most vulnerable to crime." Better late than never. Casini feel speak the language " extremist "and" Berlusconi "Sarkozy (as defined François Bayrou) is a great consolation for those who had bet on the now leader of the Gaullist quality liberal. And for those who doubted that all those beautiful things could be achieved in Italy through an agreement, for example, between Casini and Fassino. But
Casini should convince us that his conversion is genuine and not an attempt to apply the theory of the two furnaces to nouvelle cuisine. One way to overcome our doubts Casini has it. Indeed, he offers us the same, when transformed into the French president who triumphed and proclaimed a "great practitioner of politics who has not waited 50 years that his predecessor's leadership gave way, but went on with conquistarsela facts. " Here, just hours Casini added that some similar challenges can not be achieved within a system of proportional representation to prevent the clash between the personalities of leaders and dilutes in the mediation continues between the oligarchies of the party. And that is committed now to the construction of that unit of the Italian center-left, that, like Sarkozy's UMP, also allows to Italian voters to identify their candidate through the filter of non casemates, ideologies, traditions, labels and customers, but based on the ideas, attitudes and concrete proposals. No to proportionality, the party of freedom. Here, when Casini will tell, I swear who believed in his conversion.

Wwe Jeff Hardy Costume

11min. The review Marco Taradash printing

Sarkozy wins even Italy. Casini also is a candidate (but with proportional representation). Controversy Della Vedova-panel on May 12.

Friday, May 4, 2007

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Rino Gaetano Let go!

After the Olive Tree and the DS, the trade unions. At the festival of Sanremo musicalioti the Soviets, the zombie sessantottino, the beautiful youth that never ages, the concertone May 1, in short, they tried again to mummify Rino Gaetano. It 's true, there are more things between the earth-the land of the fray of party and the sky of the political language of those nightmares to our philosophy dream. That anger, for example when the word "liberal" became a prefix odorless and colorless, which to hang any ending oxymoron, and all the villains are declined liberalqualcosa, and there is left of the post-communist leader worthy of the name, by Bertinotti D ' Alema, on a Folena Mussi (giuro!) that claimed a quarter of his liberalism. But the bear, after all is proof that we were right when they told us that he meant liberal fascist. And then they told us that he meant radical fascist, and how do we call now the Communist left to disguise its origins and not give too much attention? It passes, it means that we were right. However, when the appropriation undue goes to the kidnapping, things become more delicate. Especially if you try to seize a story, a memory, and upsetting the unscrupulous way. I'm not talking about the controversy on the Pantheon of the Democratic Party. No, I speak of something more serious. Of songs.
And Rino Gaetano. A song in 1975, "But the sky is always bluer," was abused last year by the campaign strategists of the Olive and again the other week by the directors of the Congress and then the dissolution of the DS ' day before yesterday from the stage of St. John. Rino Gaetano died 26 years ago in a car accident and can not do anything about it. But permission to use his song in a party convention of any party, or in a campaign, or in front of CGIL-CISL-UIL, would not have ever given, that's for sure. And it certainly would not have given to the heirs of that which PCI was frivolous food inedible as a singer, a minstrel, anarchist, an uncommitted. And that food inedible, in turn, in the cauldron ("whatever" they said, the charlatans) Italy rusty and without tetanus Nuntereggaepiù of the seventies.
From their point of view, the Communists were right. Rino Gaetano was a thousand miles away from any form of intellectual trooped from every right-thinking and progressive conformity, and it was not organic to any sect of songwriting buono tanto per un proletario festival dell’Unità quanto per una borghese ma gramsciana sala concerti. Se De Gregori cantava che la “Storia siamo noi” tutti, dai trinariciuti ai fascistelli erano virilmente d’accordo nel sentirsi marginali ma protagonisti, se Fossati soffiava retorica a pieni polmoni per ordinare all’intontito popolo della sinistra e magari anche a quello democristiano in sonno di alzarsi “che si sta alzando la canzone popolare”, Gaetano faceva l’opposto. Quelli sono inni perfetti, da pagina dei frustrati a congresso, sembrano scritti apposta. Ma uno come Gaetano se tratta di politica scrive “E Beati i professori, beati gli arrivisti, i nobili e i padroni specie se comunisti”, e poi sfotte tutti gli strafottenti: “Eya alalà 
pci psi 
dc dc 
pci psi pli pri dc dc dc dc… Ue paisà 
il bricolage 
il quindicidiciotto 
il prosciutto cotto 
il quarantotto 
il sessantotto
il pitrentotto
sulla spiaggia di capocott..”.
In che modo la sinistra ufficiale si è sempre atteggiata verso Rino Gaetano ce l’ha del resto ricordato l’organo del correntone mussiano, Aprile: “Gli aderenti a quella sinistra che ancora preferisce i brani di Guccini alle più leggere melodie di Rino Gaetano non potranno non riconoscersi nella conclusione a cui Fabio Mussi desumibilmente perverrà.. nel Partito Democratico, noi non ci saremo”. Still prefer, in fact.
Imagine then how the rest of the Pantheon Gaetano sing-democratic trade unions: Instead of "Cazzaniga Agnelli Umberto Agnelli Susanna Agnelli Monti Pirelli dribbles Causio passing Tardelli .." would have stuck one after the other all the candidates, "Berlinguer , Gramsci, Nenni, Craxi, Spinelli, Einaudi, Gobetti, Turati, Gandhi, Mother Teresa, Mandela, John F. Kennedy, Bob Kennedy, Martin Luther King, Willy Brandt, Olof Palme, Maritain, Darwin, Freud. " The catalog is this, I have not invented any, Einaudi (!) Included. Rino Gaetano, how we miss you.

Thursday, May 3, 2007

Galinha Guisada A Portuguesa

Concertone abolished (and the Church should have any questions)

Give me straight. The problem is not concertone Andrea Rivera. It 's the concertone. Party as a demonstration in support of the union has turned into its opposite. The only service that now CGIL-CISL-UIL make the world of work is in fact the organization of the maxi-concert, which annually provides employment and wages in a sea of \u200b\u200bpeople, thanks to sponsorships and direct Rai3. And never mind if, as happened at the Sanremo Festival, which has eaten the Italian song, the Concertone ate the union. In return they get on the stage of cinqueminutini fifty live on television, and advertising is worth the expense. Meanwhile, the show evolves, it swells, s'involgarisce. Thanks Claudia Gerini, who has a little cry, claims to be changed after listening to Chuck Berry, says it all with the exclamation, Piazza San Giovanni has nothing to envy to the casino of the Riviera. It 's the Sanremo Festival in luogocomunismo, singer-songwriter of the Soviets, the Guevarist understood as political version of the cattlemen, namely frustration mixed with wishful thinking of me and I sing to the sound. Exceptionally, there shines a star, as happened last year with Vinicio Capossela, usually eight hours of music and mist ideological stench. But, as happens in San Remo, the official filming Concertone Rai make a media spotlight that can transform every appearance in divetto e ogni banalità in “dibbattito”. Di qui l’appello per un nuovo referendum: aboliamo il Concertone, o in alternativa Rai3. Tanto le botte rischiamo di pigliarle anche raccogliendo le firme solo sulla legge elettorale, come è successo a Segni in Piazza San Giovanni.
Quel che vorremmo davvero scongiurare è che una battuta scontata di un apprendista comico sul Papa e le ambiguità della Chiesa diventi caso politico e affare di Stato. Magari avranno ragione Alberto Melloni, Francesco Paolo Casavola, Antonio Socci: non si scherza col fuoco, e quando le Br minacciano, quando il capo dei Vescovi è sotto scorta, quando i cristiani sono massacrati nei paesi islamici, meglio rinunciare alla critica, all’ironia, the hoax. Maybe. I think the opposite: I do not care if the anti-Islamic cartoons are funny, what matters is that they are free to move. I do not care if Andrea Rivera made a joke that does not scratch or scratches too much, what matters is that say without fear of retaliation (el'accostamento terrorism is). I remain convinced that freedom is the best antidote to the risks related to it, and that terrorism will not make proselytes if creationism is pilloried.
On the other hand, the Church is now an opportunity to repair some methodological oversight. Let's say that someone commented threats to Monsignor Bagnasco: "It is deplorable that bishops and priests have been and are the object of violent malice in speech and action .. But if the clericalism is recognized as a right or a good thing no one should be surprised if the irrational and violent reactions increase. " Everyone is deemed unacceptable and rather hypocritical regret this and understand together. I would call justification. But if these concepts were drawn from a Vatican document on homosexuality, it would change our opinion? Yet in the "Letter to the Bishops of the Catholic Church on the Pastoral Care of Homosexual Persons" signed on behalf of the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith, Cardinal Joseph Ratzinger, on 10 October 1986, exactly reads: "It is deplorable that homosexual persons have been and are the subject of violent malice in speech or action. Such treatment deserves condemnation from the Church's pastors wherever it occurs ... However, the proper reaction to crimes committed against homosexual persons can not lead in any way claim that the homosexual condition is not disordered. When such a claim is made and homosexual activity is consequently condoned, or when civil legislation is introduced to protect behavior to which no one has any conceivable right, neither the Church nor society at large should be surprised when other distorted notions and practices gain ground, and irrational and violent reactions increase. "
I believe that in the face of terrorist threats (real ones, not those treated for convenience) the Church should ask themselves this way of dealing with violence against anyone who does not conform to its dictates. Deploring the violence but not surprising that those who want their freedom they fell victim, this is not well done.