Monday, February 14, 2011

Wade Porcelain Viking Boat

Mengacci replica transmission over Feltre. Hundreds of hits on the blog Piazza Maggiore and Feltre News.

The effect has a Mengacci. Saturday, February 12, the issuer Rete4, aired a replay of the recorded transmission family recipes in Feltre, in Piazza Maggiore, Sunday, November 21, 2010. For the exceptional number of hits on our blog Asslib, also used as a test of choice, we thanked the presenter in December. Please, David had responded with an e-mail, thanking in turn. Not expected, however, a new Internet boom of visits that has been repeated, in a few hours on Saturday afternoon with 12 trains on Sunday. Hundreds of entries, about five hundred, especially on  e .
A questo punto, non resta che augurare un  ritorno della trasmissione a Feltre e nel territorio. Stando ai dati, porta più attenzione e conseguenze positive Mengacci, con la sua trasmissione su città e prodotti locali, che mostre, manifestazioni e invenzioni varie. Al momento.

Saturday, February 12, 2011

When Does Costco Start Selling Makeup Brushed

Saturday, February 19, 2011 with number 43 for the first birthday. In music.

Civico 43, osteria con cucina di Via Mezzaterra quasi in Piazza Maggiore, festeggia sabato 19 febbraio 2011 il primo anno di apertura. Per l'occasione, oltre a torta con candelina, gruppi musicali live dalle 18.00 (Fireline, DJ Cristian, Johnny Loda Trio), free barbecue and best wishes. Admission is free, of course.

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

What Does The Mississippi River Look Like

Since March 13, 2009, without signaling, according to the elevators to Piazza Maggiore.

From the walls of Campogiorgio Street, next to the Cathedral and near the stairway door adventure, and there is access to two elevators that lead in the Town Hall, within walking distance Piazza Maggiore. Thirteen seats each, favor a visit to the monumental site and is expected also for the handicapped.