The effect has a Mengacci. Saturday, February 12, the issuer Rete4, aired a replay of the recorded transmission family recipes in Feltre, in Piazza Maggiore, Sunday, November 21, 2010. For the exceptional number of hits on our blog Asslib, also used as a test of choice, we thanked the presenter in December. Please, David had responded with an e-mail, thanking in turn. Not expected, however, a new Internet boom of visits that has been repeated, in a few hours on Saturday afternoon with 12 trains on Sunday. Hundreds of entries, about five hundred, especially on e .
A questo punto, non resta che augurare un ritorno della trasmissione a Feltre e nel territorio. Stando ai dati, porta più attenzione e conseguenze positive Mengacci, con la sua trasmissione su città e prodotti locali, che mostre, manifestazioni e invenzioni varie. Al momento.