Friday, November 30, 2007
Wednesday, November 14, 2007
Osteoarthritisconnective Tissue Disorder
Finally, I also I made a video. Certainly it is not much, although I like a casino, but it is always a beginning. The theme of the video and One Piece. From those who do not remember the souls who was stuck in Italy, as always, from Italy 1 .... Have one with Rubber, Nami, Zoro and alrti ....
However, if you do not remember do not worry I'm here to let you remember. In fact, you see the video and begin to remember. Enjoy.
Tribute Gold Roger
Topical Lidocaine Cream For Brazilian Wax
Heroes in Italy there is going to leave it tonight there will be the last two episodes of the series:
1x22) Plebiscito
1x23) How to Stop an Exploding Man
So Italy will end up in the first series of Heroes , which I believe Italy has ruined all convey a first on Sunday and then on Wednesday night in second. Honestly, if I could avoid making such a stupid thing, because to hear some opinions of people I know who are interested in Heroes, I felt only comments like: "Why in the late evening" or, "but because of Sunday" in short, if the could evitare.
Ivece la cosa che mi rinquora e che la seconda serie sta andando avanti, ormai siamo all'ottava puntata e onestamente a me mi è piaciuta un casino fino ad ora, solo che c'è la paura che all'undicesima puntata la serie si interrompa per uno sciopero degli sceneggiatori in America e quindi che si blocchi. Speriamo di no perchè non resisterei senza Heroes fino a settembre (Scherzo è , nooooo Heroes non mi lasciare così uhaaaaaaa). Speriamo davvero che non la interrompano.
Digital Editions Windows Mobile
Scusate se è da un po che non posto più ma con tutte le cose che ho avuto da fare non ho avuto neanche un attimo per respirare.Comunque vi porto gli ultimi aggiornamenti su Starcraft 2.
Sensor Tower
Per cominciare è stata aggiunta la Sensor Tower, cioè la torretta di rilevazione. Questa torretta di rilevazione a differenza della torreta missilistica che troviamo in Starcraft può rilevare le unità che sono dentro la "nebbia di guerra", ma non può attaccare.
The Observer
L'ultima unità aggiunta è stato l'osservatore. L'osservatore che conoscevamo in Starcraft è ritornato senza tantissimi aggiornamenti importanti, infatti la sua funzione è rimasta invariata e anche le sue caratteristiche sono rimaste le themselves.
Sunday, October 14, 2007
Infinite Rare Candies In Pokemon Ruby
Monday, October 8, 2007
After about a year of waiting the exit of the Wii in Europe, Mario is back with its new episode for Wii, that is Mario Galaxy.
Meanwhile I give you a date, ie 16/11/2007, the date on which Mario Galaxy will be released in Europe.
Then here are some Screenshots:
I hope you like them. Then also enjoy these videos that show one another and the initial video shows the menu that we have.
Super Mario Galaxy Intro video
Super mario galaxy menù
E infine per chi non avesse capico cosa succede nel primo video vi riporto una citazione prese da WII Italia
Ogni cento anni una cometa sorvola il Regno dei Funghi e lo investe di una magica polvere di stelle. Mentre la principessa Peach e gli abitanti del regno stanno celebrando l’evento centennale, Bowser e il suo esercito attaccano. Mario cerca di fermare i piani di Bowser, ma le cose non vanno per il verso giusto: poco dopo l’unica cosa che sa è che si è ritrovato su di una luna misteriosa proprio sopra il Regno dei Funghi.
Saturday, October 6, 2007
Nico Robin Et Nami Hot
So said a carrier when it was built. And now Starcraft 2, the carrier (Carrier, in English) Back!
Returns after a series of postponements, in fact, originally wanted to call the Tempest, then do not want him to put more .... Basically, in the end, the carrier as we know it back. Back
is an improvement but it has improved a lot of shields to the plasma as it shows this picture:
Not only that, Friday, for anyone who wants to create his fansite on Starcraft has been given the fansite kit. This kit contains some artwork, logos and screenshots .. in short, a lot of material useful to anyone who wants to make a site. I put the download if there might be of interest:
StarCraft II Fansite Kit
Friday, October 5, 2007
How To Attach Graber Bike Rack
Saturday, September 29, 2007
Can Pads Cause Diaper Rash
As you saw from the bar counter on the second season of Heroes has begun! The first episode is
Four months later.
If you like to see (In English) you can go on this site and sign up, download the player and see it in a legal
However, lacking even a few days for the second episode, Lizard, gave it a trailer
NBC Heroes - Season Two Episode 2 "Lizards" Preview # 1
What To Expect After A Left Thyroid Lobectomy
Yesterday, Blizzard has added a section worcraft video made Blizcon.Questo opening of the video shows people who were at Blizcon of this year and He also see two or three cosplay.
BlizzCon '07 Highlights
Then in section Starcraft ilBattlecruisers was added, the unit was also seen in the video presentation of the land.
However, this unit is very strong, it was already on a Starcraft think now that it has been renewed .... Indeed, it was a new addition abitlità, the Yamato cannon always required a lot of energy and could only hit a structure or unit, but now if we are against Battlecruisers, for example, 12 Marines a "deluge of fire" that destroys at once all 12 the Marine.
As it was in Starcraft 1, they serve as vessels comado snow, as it was for 2 or Norad for a Hyperion commanded by General Duke and Jim Raynor.
Wednesday, September 19, 2007
Versa Vs Baxi Combi Boiler
wanted to share a video I found on youtube that shows, I do not know whether officially or not, how will the beafring in Starcraft 2.
At one point we see that talks with Zeratul Raynor, Zeratul and says something to me it seemed to be saying that the Xel Naga are back and want to kill us all or something like that expect answers
Thursday, September 6, 2007
Joby Talbotpiano Sheet
I dedicate this post to explain the various units that have now been announced on the website of Blizzard
1, Zealotol
are the basic unit of the Protoss forces are having a "Psi-Blade" and a very strong shield, anke Not only are they having a special ability to "charge" that makes them faster to move while attacking the enemy.
2 ° Immortal
The sacred lands that were dedicated to the creation of the dragoons were infested and lost along with their planet notale (Aiur). Then it was decided to reinforce the Dragon inserting Shields energy (Energy Shield), which makes the dragon almost immortal, hence the name Immortal.
3 ° Stalker
The Stalker and a machine controlled by the essence shadow of a dark templar warrior fused into a metal body to protect his people . Stalker
These have the great ability to teleport away, this skill is very useful to get away from potential enemies and to pursue fleeing enemies.
4 ° Phase Prisms
Phase Prisms I are very special because the units have two functions take a Protoss warriors on the battlefield, another their function is to serve as pillars in order to psionic energy to give to the structures who have lost temporaneamenteo assist in the creation of a database.
5 ° Phoenix
Phoenix Shanno I replaced both the Scout and the pirates, are very useful especially in attacks against other air units because they use a direct attack on the target.
6 ° Colossus
I sleep a colossus of the many mechanical units produced by the Protoss, are highly mobile because they do not like hills or other obstacles which obstruct the passage of unity. They attack with light rays that heat the unit, and then this attack is ongoing and targeted and thus very effective.
7 ° Warp Ray
are always air units that have the ability to attack the structures of the units or areas such as cruisers or powerful units on the ground, why have a prismatic core radius that makes the launch a unique combination with other rays of these units can easily destroy everything
8 ° Twilight Arcon
Twilight Arcon is the product of the union two High Templar self-sacrifice that made up the Twilight Arcon. This unit is among the most powerful there, and we have already found in Starcraft 1, because launches of energy beams that are very powerful.
9 ° Dark Templar
Finally, the last unit scheduled for now is the Dark Tempra ie Temlare obscure. These are the rebels of the Khala and after the war and who were exiled in Starcraft have returned as allies of the forces of the Khala. In Starcraft 2, we see a marked change in fact no longer hyper blade but have a sword like star wars and it looks anke been changed because it is a bit ugly.
With this finish, sorry if it's a bit lunghini but I did what I could sum up and translating the site of the Blizzard .
Wednesday, September 5, 2007
Cinderella Dress Tk Maxx
Going on youtube I found this musical tribute to Heroes dedicate an entire post and then put what I think are the best I found. Enjoy ...
Heroes - Sylar - Animal I Have Become
NBC's Heroes - A tribute to Hiro and Charlie
How To Save a Life - Hereos
Sylar Project
Heroes - Claire Bennet (I Dare You)
Best Point And Shoot Camera Shutter Speed
Faccio questo post per onorare l'evento più atteso 2007, namely:
This film will speak from the Simpsons (who knows on what you understand?) and will be released Sept. 14 and then a day after they started school.
you insert the paper as you can read, and some trailers that I found so you will want to see even more.
After twenty years in television lived dangerously, it's time for the family even more politically scorrect of America to live the dream of the big screen. The Simpsons are una delle saghe più importanti e rivoluzionarie della televisione americana e hanno aperto la strada a moltissime altre serie capaci di ridefinire il concetto stesso di animazione "adulta" (si pensi a South Park o ai Griffin). Il deus ex machina, Matt Groening, conferma che lo spirito della serie non muterà: trailer proposti hanno confermato che l'umorismo tipico di Bart e Homer, non è cambiato di una virgola. Fortunatamente gli autori della serie sono sempre gli stessi, e il lavoro sulla sceneggiatura è stato compiuto da gente che lavora sui Simpsons da anni come George Meyer, David Mirkin, Mike Reiss e tutti gli altri del gruppo storico. La regia è invece di un ex-Pixar, David Silverman, anche se come si può tranquillamente inferred from the trailer, the graphic style of classic Simpsons, crude and refined at the same time, more effective, straconfermato. The Simpsons Movie will be released July 27, 2007 in USA, we should see while in Italy on September 14. As in the best traditions of this beloved cartoon world and the longest in the United States, Homer Simpson must save the world from a catastrophe he himself has unleashed.
Thursday, August 30, 2007
Launch Options -high Counter Strike Source
As some have noted (who knows what the holidays are over ....) and then it goes without saying that you'll begin to go to work, school, etc. ..
As for me the 13 will go to school and I started thinking about how will be the year that is how I will meet with professors and other scempiaggini.Mi came to mind the beautiful building and ordered ITIS Marconi, faces teachers, peers, classes, workshops with these latest equipments ...... And then I asked myself, there will be a video on youtube on my school? Then I went and found a 4 video. But they only put 3 on the blog (the first one sees anke my scooter)
Nn solo rinizierà la scuola ma inizia finalmente Heroes su Italia uno domenica 2 settembre, la cosa bella è che ci saranno due episodi consecutivi e lunedì 3 pure, invece frà 25 giorni uscirà in America la seconda serie(come vedete dal countdown sul blog) e io nn vedo l'ora di vederla. Se avete già visto la 1° serie e volete alcuni spoiler sulla seconda andate su Heroes Italia fan- salva il mondo. Lì troverete tante cose interessanti riguardanti Heroes e anke delle spiegazioni di alcuni comportamenti apparentemente nn clear. Until next
Sunday, August 26, 2007
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are the fields to do the masters this time!
In the scene since 1995, their first album 'Uptown Saturday Night' (1997) is one of my favorite rap records, moreover, how can not like a CD with a cover like that!?!?
For those who want to further point out some links: Wiki
Camp Lo
complete discography on Discogs
y0? : D
Thursday, August 23, 2007
Sad Songs Instrumental
Well, that is, Asa Chang & Jun Ray TOTAL are CRAZY! : D
with them gave vent to his experiments ranging from atmospheres of Indian tabla, the traditional Japanese music, uncontrollable impulse tending free-jazz, and all surrounded by electronic sounds that take us from one virtual world to children as some of them appear to come from some toy robots, then the trumpets, trombones and woodwind instruments which take into consideration the traditions of the past!
The label claimed that their original project is English Leaf Label, which already publishes quite eclectic artists like Murcof, Four Tet, Icarus and Sofa Surfer.
I leave you to 'Hana' is the first track on the cd 'Jun Ray Song Chang'
various link:
sito in giapponese
wiki [eng]
etichetta Leaf Label
discografica su Discogs
passo la giornata intera
m'appizzo un giansugoso e me ne sto in crociera
fora, gremo fino a sera..e ancora......
How To Get The Spinning Cross On Mw2
From the first episode, a strange symbol appears several times in the course of history: it looks like a more elaborate letter f, but discussions on the Internet believe that it is most likely a helix of RNA. The symbol does not appear to follow any narrative logic, because all the characters are good or bad, sooner or later come across it without any connecting factor: for example, appears on the computer of Mohinder's father, in the paintings depicting Isaac, Claire has designed a school book and scribbling Peter su un foglio, Sylar lo ha composto con del nylon in una piscina, appare come tatuato sulla scapola destra di Niki quando essa libera il suo alter-ego ed anche l'haitiano indossa un ciondolo della stessa forma. Il simbolo compare anche sulla spada di Hiro, e presenta una certa somiglianza con i kanji giapponesi "say-yo", ovvero "colui che possiede un dono di Dio". Tuttavia, il senso di questo elemento comune è ancora un mistero.
Fonte: Wikipedia
Allora voi che ne pensate?? Io lascio aperto un sondaggio su di questo. Aspetto risposte
Dora Birthday Invitation Wording
Come molti sanno i real life sono molto popolari, in questo post metterò some real life on Starcraft and The Legend of Zelda. Anke
Only those who have only played once in Starcraft and Zelda can understand what I mean when I say that these videos are funny and creepy at the same time. Now I see them there so anke you understand what I say. Real Life Starcraft
Real Life Brood War
the legend of zelda real life
Legend of Zelda: Parody of Time
Disney Scrapbook Sample Pages
Hello surfing the Web a few days ago found a video on Starcraft eh very nice.
For this reason I put the video so that all fans of Starcraft if you can enjoy.
If you liked how you like me to discuss.
Wednesday, August 22, 2007
Towel Bar For Pedestal Sink
Let's talk about my favorite character on Heroes, that is Hiro Nakamura.
This post is totally a spoiler so watch Heroes advice before and after reading it.
start talking a bit about him:
Hiro Nakamura is an employee, including a level 3 programmer to Yamagato Industries who lives in Tokyo, Japan, and one day discovers he has the power to manipulate time and space. Hiro is a passionate about superheroes and science fiction. Hiro is the only character who aspires to become a hero in comic books he reads. His best friend Ando Masahashi. At first, Hiro can speak only Japanese, relying on Ando as his interpreter, but the series progresses, his English improves slowly.
------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------ After
having made a sort of identity card I speak a little of his past:
Thirteen years before the series, Hiro's father, Kaito Nakamura, Claire delivery to Mr. Bennet. In the background, a 10-year Hiro plays with his Game-Boy, paying no attention to them).
------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------ After
anke what we talk about what makes the beginning of the series:
As regards the start of the series, Hiro's power has grown enough to allow them to go back a second hand of his watch. Later, Hiro realizes that this same power has delayed a train in Tokyo in 14 seconds. Delighted by these results, Hiro confides in Ando, \u200b\u200bwho is skeptical about these new skills to Hiro. At the suggestion of Ando, \u200b\u200bHiro teleports in the women's bathroom of a public place. Ando says that all this proves is that Hiro is a pervert, and a crestfallen Hiro walks away as Ando yells sarcastically that is a "Super Hiro!" When Hiro returns home by train, he sees an advertisement for a holiday New York. Inadvertently teleports himself to Times Square.
------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------ This
is all, I hope this overview of Hiro was to your liking and you have to understand better the character.
Tennis Ball And Basketball Moment Equation
do a bit of history talking about the first game of the series of The Legend of Zelda, I post a biography fact: The
The Legend of Zelda (The Legend of Zelda in Italian) was the first game of the eponymous series of video games created by Nintendo under the direction of Shigeru Miyamoto.
The game was inspired by Miyamoto's imaginary adventures in the woods behind his house when he was a child. It was released for the Japanese Famicom console in 1986 and in the West for the NES in 1987. The music was composed by Koji Kondo.
The game is set in an early incarnation of the kingdom of Hyrule and follows the adventures of Young Link who must save Princess Zelda from the clutches of the evil Ganon by recovering the eight pieces of the Triforce. The game consists of a mixture of action, exploration and puzzle had a great commercial success. It was unusual at the time that the cartridge contains a battery that allows the player to save progress across multiple gaming sessions. In addition, the plastic cartridge was golden instead of the usual gray, making it seem so special from the beginning.
The first Zelda is relatively simple for today's standards, but it was a very advanced game for its time. The innovations include the ability to use dozens of different objects, a vast world full of secrets to be explored, and the freedom of a relatively non-linear gameplay. Many of these innovations became fixed characteristics of the Zelda series and other games that followed this model. The game was enormously popular in Japan, the United States and Europe, and many consider him one of the most important video games ever made.
A modified version known as BS Zelda was released for Satellaview, an expansion of the satellite based on the Super Famicom in the early 1990 in Japan.
Zelda is considered a precursor of the spiritual kind role-playing game for consoles (CRPG), in fact many consider it a real CRPG. Although Zelda contain many elements other than those of a typical role-playing computer or console, the similarities in terms of appearance (brightness, cartoon graphics, many elementi fantasy, la musica) tra Zelda e molti CRPG sono innegabili. In più, il successo di Zelda ha contribuito a creare un mercato per ulteriori e più complessi, non-lineari giochi dell'ambito fantasy e dei CRPG di successo. Alcuni giochi di ruolo successivi, tra cui ad esempio Secret of Mana, includono un certo numero di elementi di Zelda.
Inserico anke un video: