Internet pensaci tu! voglio tutto OLLAIN!!!!
If you also like me you are convinced that the future of both a PC monitor (or display system alternatives such as this ) and a pointer, a minimal operating system and nothing else, I recommend the sites we are taking this slowly!
Let's start from your favorites, or bookmarks. With you have all your favorite online and browse through all of the favorites of registered users (it is really di tutto!), addare i vostri book con un click tramite gli appositi add-on per firefox e ie che consentono di aggiungere il sito al momento visualizzato nei vostri bookmarks che non vi abbandoneranno mai anche quando cambierete pc o postazione! Inoltre potrete importare i siti memorizzati nel vostro browser finora dato che è prevista un'importazione diretta!!
Inoltre Google Browser Sync è un estensione di firefox che memorizza tutte le impostazioni del vostro browser preferito (tutti i preferiti, le password, i cookies ecc...) online così, quando sarete su un altro pc (come quello del lavoro magari!) avrete sempre il vostro caro e vecchio firefox con tutte le vostre impostazioni!
Subito dopo vi segnalo MediaMax. is a site that offers up to 25 GB of free space! You can put whatever you want, but if you insert songs, movies or photos you can hear / see streaming without having to wait for the download! not bad right? Similar is (up to 1GB for free) the only difference being that all upper will be shared with other users!
For those who want to work online are Writely and Spreadsheet which are respectively a word processor and a spreadsheet for free online. Obviously, importing and exporting with the most common programs for win / mac!
For the geeks in this address there's many many other applications online or web-based!
For now .. of course we mark these as soon as they find other (which serve to something concrete, of course: P) you will mark them.
post your comments or other sites deemed useful will not be able to please me!